Belle Vie offers extra fun ultrasounds! Take a look here


We accompany you during your pregnancy and prepare you for the time your baby is going to be born. Every woman will experience her pregnancy in a different way. It's important to listen carefully to your body and to respect your bounderies. 

Your pregnancy

5 weeks
8 weeks
8 weeks
10-12 weeks
13 weeks ultrasound
16 weeks
19-20 weeks
22-23 weeks
27 weeks
30 weeks
32 weeks
33 weeks
35 weeks
37 weeks
39 weeks
41 weeks
5 weeks

Pregnancy test positive!

You can hardly believe your eyes. It's true, you're pregnant!

As soon as you know that you are pregnant, you can contact us, even if there is a medical indication. We will make an appointment for the first ultrasound and the oriëntaton interview. 

To Do this week

  • Make an appointement for an oriëntation interview
  • Pregnant? Take folic acid!
  • Take a look which package will fit you. Basic, Conscious or Customized care
8 weeks

The first ultrasound

We need to do a check if your baby's heart is beating and whether the pregnancy is in the womb. We're also able to  see if it concerns a single or a multiple pregnancy. The ultrasound is practised externally, through the abdomen. When you have a full bladder we're often better able to see it. If we can't get a view on the pregnancy, it's possible to make an internal ultrasound through the vagina.

To Do this week

  • Sign up for Mothers for Mothers

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Mothers for Mothers
8 weeks

Personal care path

We take the time to get to know you during the oriëntation interview. We will ask questions about your health, medical history, lifestyle, potential previous pregnancies and any particular or hereditary diseases in the family. We discuss your needs and expectations of this pregnancy and whether there are matters that we can or should take into account during your pregnancy and delivery. Together we will make a personal care path.  

Everyone has a choice to opt for Prenatal Screening tests, if desired we will discuss this with you.

To Do this week

  • Fill in your oriëntation interview form
  • Prenatal screening tests
  • Arrange maternity care
  • Choose your personal care package. Basic, Conscious or Customized care
10-12 weeks

Term ultrasound

From tadpole to human!
We perform the term ultrasound between 10 and 12 weeks. We measure the length of your child from crown to rump. This makes it possible to determine the pregnancy term and due date most reliably. All children grow at the same rate up to 13 weeks, variation in growth will occur after these weeks.

We advise you to come in with a full bladder for the best possible ultrasound image.

We also need to know a number of things from your blood. i.a. your blood type, Rhesus factor, iron and sugar levels, and three infectious diseases; HIV, LUES and liver disease. Make sure you have yourself tested on these things before being 13 weeks pregnant. For this you will receive a form from us. 

To Do this week

  • Get blood drawn
  • If desired NIPT research

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Appointment JBZ blood results
13 weeks ultrasound

Research for physical abnormalities

You can have the 13-weeks ultrasound from 12+3 weeks pregnant on, until 14+3 weeks. 
It is a medical examination to see if the baby has any physical abnormalities.

Be aware that if you participate in the 13-weeks ultrasound, the sonographer will, in most cases, not see any physical abnormalities.

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13 week scan
16 weeks

Physical control

For the first time we're going to listen to your baby's heartbeat from the outside with a doptone. We determine with our hands if the growth is going as expected. We also measure your blood pressure and answer all your questions. 

To Do this week

  • Use vitamin D
  • Check if you're taking in enough calcium
  • Arrange childcare in time
19-20 weeks

The 20 weeks ultrasound

During the 20 weeks ultrasound physical (structural) abnormalities of the unborn child are being examined.

To Do this week

  • Arrange recognition

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20 week scan
22-23 weeks

Physical control

Mostly your belly is going to be visable around this time. Your being used to all the changes and your belly isn't that big so it's in your way. Most of the pregnant woman are feeling fine during this period. 

To Do this week

  • Whooping cough vaccination
27 weeks

Physical control

It's important that you're feeling reliable in our practise, your personal coördinating caregiver will discuss this with you.

If you are Rhesus-D negative, your blood will be tested again for antibodies in week 27 of the pregnancy. This time the laboratory also determines whether your child is Rhesus D negative or positive.

If you are Rhecus-c negative, your body may also make antibodies against your child's blood. There is no injection to prevent that. That is why the laboratory examines in week 27 of the pregnancy whether your body is making antibodies.

To Do this week

  • Be aware of the movements of your child

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Recognizing movements
30 weeks

Physical control

Your belly is getting heavier and can get in your way.

If you are thinking about breastfeeding, you can register for a breastfeeding info evening. Send an email to the assistant at or call on working days between 08.30 - 16.30 on +31 73 5210764

32 weeks

Growth ultrasound

The growth ultrasound is an medical ultrasound to check whether your baby is growing well. This ultrasound is performed to determine whether your baby is growing too slowly or too fast. Even if you have an increased risk of having a baby that is too big or too small, you will be offered this ultrasound to check the growth.

33 weeks

Birth plan

You can write down your wishes and expectations regarding your pregnancy and delivery in your personal care plan. This document is intended for you, your partner and your care giver. We accompany you with this plan by asking specific questions about the different phases during your pregnancy, delivery and the maternity period. This plan makes is possible for you and your partner to go through the pregnancy process together. Maybe there are things you haven't given a thought yet? Or are you thinking competely different about somethings? It's all possible and normal. 

With a birth care plan it will become clear what you think and what's important in the next  coming months. It's easy if you take it with you every appointment.

Downloads & links

My Birth Plan
35 weeks

Physical control

At each check-up, the midwife controles whether your child is growing sufficiently. She also listens to your child's heartbeat. The position is assessed and in the last few weeks she checks whether the baby is descending properly into the pelvis.
Your own blood pressure will also be measured.

37 weeks

Preparing for your maternity week

The pregnancy and maternity period might be a chaotic time to you. Proper preparations may remove any uncertainty and fear. Which makes it easier to relax during the delivery.

Raise the bed

Both for an at home delivery and for a outpatient delivery it's necessary that a raised bed is available from 37 weeks on. This bed is also necesssary during the maternity period.

This can be either a single or double bed. The ideal height is 80 cm. A box spring is often still too low. You can use bed risers or crates (no extra mattresses).

During the delivery we work on your right side, it is advisable to protect this mattress sufficiently against amniotic fluid and blood.

39 weeks

The home stretch

It is important that you start the delivery well rested. Ask the midwife any questions you still have during the check-ups.

Always set up

  • Maternity package in the box in the bedroom (or within reach)
  • Place the mattress protector under the fitted sheet
  • Two buckets with a roll of large garbage bags
  • Flee bag to take with you to the hospital containing:
  • Clothes you want to wear during the delivery
  • Clothes for after the delivery
  • A set of clothes for the baby (incl. shawl/jacket for outside)
  • Camera + charger
  • Energizing snacks/dextro energy/lip balm etc.
  • Pregnancy envelope containing your proof of identity and the (recent) JBZ pass
  • Maternity file
  • (night) clothing and stuff for 1 night for the partner

Set up for a at home delivery

  • Standing lamp that you can aim
  • At least eight hydrophilic diapers
  • Metal pitchers and pitcher bags
  • During the delivery it must be possible to heat the room
41 weeks


Apparently your baby is having a great time in your tummy and has decided to stay there a little longer than the due date. This is nothing to worry about. About half of all babies are born after their due date. Usually this is not harmful to your baby or to you.

Coördinating care provider

You will get to know all the midwives during the consultation hours. You may ask your questions to all of us. One of the midwives of our team will be your coördinating care provider. She will go through the first oriëntation interview with you and she is your point of contact during your pregnancy. 

Sometimes a pregnancy doesn't go as expected and sometimes there are other home factors at play. You can ask your coördinating care provider for an appointment. She collects all your healthcare data and if needed discusses consults with other healthcare providers.  Togheter you will draw up a care path.

KIM 2185
Belle Vie's birth plan supported me greatly during my delivery

Emma Janssen

Feeling the baby

As the pregnancy progresses, you will consciously feel the movements of your child.

From 26 weeks on you need the feel your baby moving every day.  These movements in your stomach are not only fun and pleasant to feel, they also have an important function. When the baby moves, he/she feels comfortable in your tummy. It's a good thing to set aside some time every day to get to know your child's movement pattern.

Is your baby moving less than your used to? This might be a signal that something is wrong. It's important to always contact us, even when you're in doubt. We can then assess whether an extra check is necessary.

Always contact us directly when:

  • The baby didn't move for one day: don't wait until the next day.
  • The baby is moving less during the day.

Head or breech position

At around 35 weeks, the child usually lies head down, which is the most ideal position to be born. In about 4% of the pregnancies, the child is around this time in a breech position. In this case there’s the possibility to try to turn the child externally by hand. This is called an external version. This is done in the hospital by a specially trained obstetrician and gynaecologist.

Other methods of encouraging the child to lie with his head down include "wagging" a position on hands and knees where you cradle the child in your body. Moxa therapy, acupuncture or foot reflex therapy are also used. If you want to use this, try them from 30 weeks on.

Frequently asked questions

What do I take with me to the NIPT test?

If you want to have the NIPT test done, please bring:

• the NIPT application form that you received from us

• your ID and your JBZ patient card

• digital code for taking routine pregnancy blood samples that you have received from us


Important: you must schedule an appointment yourself to have blood drawn.

I am Rhesus D negative. What’s next?

If you are Rhesus D negative, your blood will be tested for antibodies in week 27. The lab will also determine whether your child is Rhesus D negative or positive.

Is your child Rhesus D positive?

Then there’s a chance your body produces antibodies against your child's blood. You will receive an injection of Anti-D in week 30 of your pregnancy, to reduce that chance. Your baby won’t notice this injection and there aren’t any risks included. After the delivery you will receive another injection of Anti-D. Sometimes special situations occur where an extra injection of Anti-D is required. The midwife or gynecologist tell you when neccesary.

Is Your Child Rhesus D Negative?

Your body will not produce antibodies against your child’s blood because you are both Rhesus D negative. There’s no need to get an injection of Anti-D.

I am Rhesus c negative. What’s next?

If you are Rhesus c negative, your body may also produce antibodies against your child’s blood. There’s no injection to prevent you from this. The laboratory will investigate this in week 27 of your pregnancy.
In the case of making antibodies, the obstetrician or gynaecologist will check-up extra on you during your pregnancy.

These extra checks are necessary to reveal whether your child's health is at risk.

I feel my baby is moving less, what should I do?

The further along you are in your pregnancy, the more consciously you feel your child's movements.

From 26 weeks on, we would like you to feel your child move every day. Those movements are fun and pleasant to feel and they also have an important function. When the baby moves, he/she feels comfortable in your tummy. It is usefull to set aside some time every day to get to know your child's movement pattern. If your child is moving very less than you are used to, this might be a signal that something is not right. When in doubt you can always contact us. We can assess whether an additional check is necessary.

Always contact us directly if:

    - The baby has not moved for a day; don't wait until the next day

    - The baby is moving less and less / softer during the day and you feel too little activity

May I fly during my pregnancy and do I need a declaration for this?

Yes, you may fly. Check with your airline until how many weeks of pregnancy this is allowed. Furthermore, inquire about which forms you need to fill in to may fly during your pregnancy. Some airlines, including Ryanair, have their own document that we need to fill in. Make sure you have the correct documents.

What is a birth plan?

Sometimes it is nice to share your and your partners wishes and expectations regarding the delivery. It’s possible to write everything down in your personal birth plan. We will discuss this with you around 33 weeks of your pregnanacy. The birth plan is part of the Birth Care Plan.

What happens if I am over 40 weeks pregnant?

A pregnancy lasts an average of 40 weeks. The ultrasound that is made at the beginning of your pregnancy is used to calculate your due date. This is purely an indication and this period may vary from 37 to 42 weeks. Up to 42 weeks you can wait under the supervision of the midwife to see if the delivery will start spontaneously, provided there are no reasons to believe that your condition or your child’s is deteriorating.

There will be extra check-ups in the hospital from 41 weeks on. A CTG-scan and ultrasound are used to examine how your child is doing. Based on this, you will hear who will do your check-ups from now on and who you need to call if the delivery starts spontaneously. Spontaneous deliveries are more natural and with less risk of complications.

Labor will be initiated at 42 weeks. This takes place at the hospital, where you give birth under the responsibility of a gynaecologist. A physician assistant or clinical obstetrician from the hospital is present during the delivery.

What can I do as a partner?

As a partner you are very important during the delivery. Many partners find it annoying and difficult to see their wife in pain. Try to coach and be present as much as possible. Don't feel rejected or left out if your wife is introverted or doesn't demand attention. Offer regurarly small amounts of drinks or easily digestible food to maintain the energy level. Do not forget to eat and drink something yourself. You can often help more during expulsion than during dilation.

Before giving birth, arrange that any other children in the family are taken care of when the time comes. After giving birth, calmly review everything that has happened and changed.

What do you need to know about nutrition?

Eating for two during your pregnancy is not necessary. It is important to eat fresh, healthy and varied so that you and your child get enough good nutrients. During your pregnancy you can continue to eat and drink almost anything. But it is better to skip some products during your pregnancy, for example raw milk cheeses, raw meat and organ products. Simply check the Zwangerhap app what is and what is not recommended. Do you want to fast or are you a vegetarian? Discuss this with your midwife.

Why is calcium important?

You need enough calcium during your pregnancy. It is important to consume 1000 mg of calcium daily, to ensure that your baby's bone and skeletal growth are going well. It is omportant to pay attention to this, not only for your baby, but also for the preservation of your own bones and teeth. Calcium supplementation is not necessary if you eat or drink enough dairy products. With 300-450 milliliters of milk products and 40 grams of cheese, you'll soon be fine. This amounts contains 2 to 3 portions of milk or yogurt and 2 sandwiches with cheese.

Check yourself whether you are getting enough calcium with the Calciummeter.

Can I exercise?

It is good to exercise for half an hour regularly during your pregnancy. If you are already practicising a sport and became pregnant, you can continue to exercise. Listen to your body, if you notice that it gives you complaints or you when you get very tired, take it easy or stop it. Also try not to exert more effort than before your pregnancy. There are special sportprograms for pregnant women under professional supervision.

Can we have sex during the pregnancy?

The perception of sexuality can differ greatly from woman to woman. Some women feel more like intercourse during their pregnancy, others much less than usual.

There is no harm in having intercourse during the pregnancy. Only if there is vaginal bleeding and/or ruptured membranes, intercourse is not recommended. Intercourse can sometimes also be the cause of a little blood loss. This isn’t a problem, but please contact us anyway.

If you have negative sexual experiences or have difficulty with an internal examination, it is good to discuss this (however difficult this is). We will take this into account during the supervision of your pregnancy and delivery.

Quit smoking, alcohol or drugs?

Everyone knows that smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs are unhealthy habits. It is better to stop using these before getting pregnant. This applies to both partners. Smoking during the pregnancy carries risks. You may have already heard about some of the risks.
The main risks at a glance. If you smoke during your pregnancy you have:

  • more chance of miscarriage
  • more likely that the baby's mouth or feet are not normal
  • more likely that the baby will be born prematurely
  • more likely to have a low birth weight
  • more chance of cot death

Secondhand smoke, even if it is little, causes a lot of damage, 85% of the smoke ends up in the environment. You breathe this in and it will end up with your child.

If you smoke, we are obliged to note this and start a counseling program with you,  called the V-mass.

Ask us for help and advice.
See also 

My child is in breech position, what’s next?

Vaginal deliveries in a cephalic position are less risky than vaginal breech deliveries. We will discuss whether you want to be eligible for version around 35 weeks. If you do not want this or if the version does not work, a meeting with the gynecologist is offered to discuss whether you will give birth vaginally or by a caesarean section. A breech birth always takes place in the hospital under the supervision of a gynaecologist.

Breech presentation, what is a version?

What happens with an external version?

The gynecologist and obstetrician grab the child from the outside by the head and buttocks. An attempt is made to remove the child's tailbone from the pelvis. The other colleague tries to move the head forward. In this way the child tumbles until it is head down. Afterwards, the condition of the child is checked with a CTG for half an hour. Sometimes a version lasts 30 seconds, sometimes several minutes. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat the attempt.

At what gestational age is an external version done?

The most suitable gestational age is around 36 weeks. Sometimes it can be advisable to do this earlier. For example; if it is your first child, if you have a tight stomach or if there is not much amniotic fluid left.

If, on the other hand, there is a lot of amniotic fluid or if the breech presentation is discovered late, it’s still possible to turn the child later on in the pregnancy. Turning too early has the disadvantage that the baby can turn back. In addition, many children still turn on their own before 36 weeks.

We work closely with the version team at the Jeroen Bosch Hospital.
You can also watch the video 

Are there any dangers to the child with the external version?

There are no health risks for the mother. Your abdomen may be tender or painful for a few days due to manipulation. This is annoying, but it can't hurt.

As a rule, there are no life-threatening health hazards for the child. In less than 10 percent of the children, the heart tones are temporarily slower after turning. That is why they are carefully checked afterwards. The heart tones almost always return to normal on their own. Occasionally (less than 1 percent) complications occur and it is necessary to perform a caesarean section immediately.

Depending on your blood type, you may need to have an injection of anti-D, whether the child was able to turn or not.

If your child is turned succesfully, you can stay under our supervision and give birth. If your child remains in a breech position, the gynecologist will take over the check-ups from 37 weeks on and he/she will discuss the further course with you.

See also 


Do you live in Rosmalen, Groote Wielen, Hintham, Berlicum, Middelrode, Geffen, Nuland or Vinkel? We support you with a delivery at home as well as a delivery at the Jeroen Bosch Hospital or the Hospital Bernhoven. 

KIM 2069

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